Friday, February 5, 2010

What's expected vs. what's amazing vs. What is REALLY SAD

Seth Godin waxes poetic on today's new world in which information on people we met,  interact with, and will interact with is so readily available, that it won't be amazing anymore when someone knows all about us (via twitter, facebook, etc).

And sadly, what does that say about the state of our world?  What do we really, truly know about people?  Take myself, with over 300+ facebook friends, and only about 25 of which I interact with on a daily or weekly...hell, even a monthly basis.  What about the rest?  Do I truly know anything about them besides what they post?  I feel like I have more "friends" than ever, but less interaction than ever.  I'd rather keep it to the 25 I know personally, on a real level, besides what they post and let the rest of the world see.  That, to me, is the amazing part.


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