Saturday, February 13, 2010

What's all this Buzz about Google Buzz?

Much to my surprise, Google suddenly launched a new application in my already oveflowing gmail account...Google Buzz.  Imagine my shock (and horror) that suddenly there is a yet another place to update my status on...and yes, find out what my other friends (or semi-friends, or non-friends) are up to.  AGAIN.  and AGAIN.

Jason Calacanis's Business Insider Write-up on Google Buzz

Jason Calacanis, the founder of Silicon Alley Reporter and CEO of Mahalo (a human-powered search engine), recently wrote that Google Buzz is a game-changer that will cut Facebook's value and traffic in half.  While his reasons are interesting, I am not sold on Google Buzz yet...seemingly for the opposite reasons he states.

Having Buzz appear in my inbox is already maddening, especially when I've never been comfortable with the large amount of emails I get there anyway, and my inability to ever organize them.  I understand we are becoming a search culture, but I've never found "Searching" for my emails a viable use of my time.  And Gmail's labels have been annoying to use as well.  I'd prefer the folders of my entourage, and the ability to delete individual messages instead of one large thread.

As for Buzz, I've been using it, but it's quickly become the random, ego-driven sounding board that Facebook is.  I think I am happy with that in only one place for now.

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