Saturday, February 13, 2010

FRONTLINE: Digital Nation...a sobering wake-up call.

Last week, I had the chance to watch Frontline's excellent special "Digital Nation", which focused on many aspects of our country, and our world, and how technology has become all-encompassing. A new generation of children, and many, many adults, are spending massive amounts of time multi-tasking on computers, playing video games, texting, and surfing, as the computer and various smart devices become secondary extensions of ourselves and vital links to the world around us.

But how vital, and at what cost were the main issues focused on the show. I found it fascinating that during a multi-tasking study at MIT (where many students currently focus on a lecture, music, facebook, and email simultaneously), the results surprising showed that the individuals were doing each task worse than if they simply focused on one. The "dumbing down" due to too much stimulation from various sources at once was becoming apparent.

I can state from my own experiences, and my almost daily-multitasking as well, that my focus is never in one place, and I feel that I've been performing a bit "under my best" at many times. I've tried to work on only one thing at a time lately, and stay away from checking email, facebook, tv, or other distractions will working.

There were other great explorations, and I fully recommend watching the show.


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