Sunday, April 4, 2010

Ford's MyTouch system - Driving dream, or dangerous distraction?

I recently read about the Ford MyTouch system, which seems to be the first well-thought out, visually appealing control system for a new generation of tweeting, mp3ing, and well-connected drivers.  While cars have been adding in ipod inputs, in-car phone systems, and other piece-meal navigational accessories over the past few years, Ford (in partnership with Microsoft) have launch the first 2.0, all-encompassing salvo into the arena.  And with safety as the number one issue when surrounded by all of this in-car gadgetry, the MyTouch is making its best attempt to solve the problems.

The Mytouch system consists of 3 LCD screens, a left hand wheel controller much like an ipod's interface, and a visual system that relies on mainly colors, rather than hard to read text commands.  The main touchscreen will have a full tabbed internet browser, a USB to connect a keyboard, and text-to-voice readers - all while in park.

As I driver, I would welcome many of these items...not even for myself, but for a passenger who may be able to interact with a browser to find something we are looking for without a smartphone.  But I wonder, how much is too much?  How easy will it be to use while driving, and even more importantly, how safe would it be to use while driving?

Read the rest of the article at Popular Mechanics

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