Sunday, April 25, 2010

Apple Stock vs. Apple Products

As an owner of Apple Stock, and someone who amazingly had bought some BEFORE the first ipod came out, I can attest to the recent stock price run-up that Apple has had.  It went from a very low, 12 dollar a share stock at the time, to the $270 a share behemoth it is today.  Alas, why did I not buy more than I did?

I recently came across a great chart, which compared the price of Apple products over the years, the price of those products, and what your earnings would be now if you had bought apple stock at that time, instead of that product.

If you bought an Apple PowerBook G3 250 (Original/Kanga/3500) in November of 1997, you spent around $5700.  Today, that Powerbook is worth very little.  BUT, if you spent that same $5300 on Apple stock at the time, it would now be worth $330563.38!

Read the rest of the chart here.

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