Sunday, March 7, 2010

New York's Tech Scene

New York's Tech Scene gets a big write-up in the New York Times.  It's a good sign that the dot-com's and internet start-ups are starting to come back.  One of our clients is a recent internet start-up that attended a few of these Tech Meetups, and had even asked us to go (which we plan to at some point).

The article states that mobile services and computing, which finally have a lot of infrastructure in place in the NY area, are driving a lot of the new innovation and development.  I can attest to this as well, as my clients are getting into the act and starting to request Iphone apps, and sites/applications that offer more community functionality. 

The smartphone has caused many clients and companies to rethink the way they are communicating with their users and customers, and I think it's something that has real relevance here in NYC.  This city, more than any, typifies the "on-the-go", "get me everything instantly" mentality, and whether you find fault in that or not, it's an attitude that will prevail and drive the tech industry for the foreseeable future.

So, it's a good sign, and makes a lot of what I am learning at school, and applying to my company, seem all the more relevant.

Read the Full Story here

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