Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Truth About Robots and the Uncanny Valley

A very interesting article about a theory called "the uncanny valley", which I had never heard of until this Popular Mechanics article.  It surmises that as robots and robotic technology move towards a shared likeness with humanity, the fact these robots will look and act nearly - but not exactly - like us will cause human feelings to move from fondness to revulsion towards the robot.

While the article seems to say that "the uncanny valley" is a very loose theory, and very hard to prove, I find it fascinating to think about.  I have always been a bit unnerved about the way our present-day robots try to be so life-like, yet obviously lack many characteristics that would make them human.  And while I don't think revulsion is the right emotion, there is something a bit "off" about it all.

Imagine one day - there may be classes or companies that will help us to better relate to our robots, whether they be guardians, friends, or helpers.  Counselors to help us deal with our fears of these life-like creatures, at their essence, will be so much like us.


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