Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Internet Freedom Is Not a Universal Value...REALLY?

While there is more to this article than what I will expound upon, I find a few parts quick alarming.  Bruce Nussbaum takes such a strangely conservative stance in this that I cannot agree with.  He says that internet freedom is not a universal value, and that countries like China are fine without it, since many of their citizens have no problem with the censoring of pro-taiwan/pro-tibet articles.

Much like Mr. Nussbaum, I have recently visited China, too...and while I had many conversations with the Chinese people about how Tibet and Taiwan are a part of their country, I would in no way say that these topics should be restricted from their internet access, or that a majority opinion (due to lack of knowledge) should dictate what is and what isn't accessible.

I also find the last line about universal healthcare equally problematic... "European nations mandate universal health care as a "universal" right. How do Americans feel about that?"  I feel that more Americans would believe in universal healthcare if the truth about it was not filtered by our large media-controlling corporations and their multitude of fear-tactics.  If we are kept in the dark here, then just like the Chinese who are being "kept in the dark", I feel someone needs to turn the light on...and at least offer the other side up for consumption.


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